das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

praktyka zawodowa Englisch:

1. apprenticeship apprenticeship

I am going to do an apprenticeship.
He is serving an apprenticeship as a plumber.
He left school at age 15 to begin an engineering apprenticeship.
six hr have completed their apprenticeships
we welcome around 20 students or graduates and the best ones are offered a year apprenticeship or their first job.
The company once offered apprenticeships.
He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.
I served/did my apprenticeship with Prossecution Office. Apprenticeship is a period of training.
to serve/complete one’s apprenticeship
After his apprenticeship he’ll become an engineer.
She was offered a two-year apprenticeship as an electrician.
Apprenticeship is a system where you eat, sleep and live with your master and are taught various martial arts know-how and secrets.
Some electricians learn their trade within an apprenticeship system instead of going to college.

Englisch Wort "praktyka zawodowa"(apprenticeship) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Business English - Career
w pracy, skróty
lekcja 2 march8
Human rights

2. professional practice

We organize a free professional practice in our office.

Englisch Wort "praktyka zawodowa"(professional practice) tritt in Sätzen auf:

D7 - D10 - praca - work
dialog 04.10

3. work placement

In their second year, students can do a work placement and get some valuable real-life experience.

Englisch Wort "praktyka zawodowa"(work placement) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Focus 4 Unit 1 cz 3

4. work practice

Englisch Wort "praktyka zawodowa"(work practice) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Wordlidt - unit 2
dział 2, 3 kolumna

5. placement

Tattoo placement is important to me.
He got a month's placement on a national newspaper.
When I was at university, I did a work experience placement
During the second year of my language degree, we went on a work placement abroad; in my case it was to Spain.
... you subject, object, verb, placement of indirect, direct objects,...

Englisch Wort "praktyka zawodowa"(placement) tritt in Sätzen auf:

słowka na 18.11.13

6. work experience

What's your work experience?
The high school student wanted to get some work experience as a journalist, so she approached the local newspaper.
At school I completed my work experience period in a newspaper office. I learned a little about publishing.