Personality clues are conveyed in the music’s tempo.
Something else to be borne in mind here is the rapidity with which the virus can reproduce.
Waterborne bacteria
He was borne away by passion.
The brunt of criticism was borne by the chairmen.
Sweet scents are borne on soft breezes.
The teacher's words were still borne in her mind.
To all appearances, their actions haven't borne fruit.
My mother has borne her sorrow admirably.
The sound of children playing was borne on the wind.
The entertainment expense was borne by our group.
According to him, the president must not be turned into a caricature, the loss of authority and public order cannot be borne.
His story was borne out by the facts.
3. to be transferred
Englisch Wort "przenoszony"(to be transferred) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Lekcja numer 14. transmitted
Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease.
Data can be transmitted from the main computer to yours, and vice versa.
His will was transmitted to his younger brother.
There are many zoonoses, that is, diseases transmitted from animals to human beings.
When we say that a language is culturally transmitted - that is, that it is learned rather than inherited - we mean that it is part of that whole complex of learned and shared behavior that anthropologists call culture.
The Vice-President transmitted the message by radio.
Englisch Wort "przenoszony"(transmitted) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Medical English EXAM part 75. regurgitating
Learning wasn't about learning things by heart and then regurgitating them like a bad cheese sandwich
Englisch Wort "przenoszony"(regurgitating) tritt in Sätzen auf:
słówka z advanced grammar6. Transferred
He transferred his office to Osaka.
I decided that he should be transferred to the branch.
Their colleague was transferred to an overseas branch.
He has transferred all his knowledge to his son.
Tom was going to be transferred to Boston, but they decided to fire him instead.
The factory has been transferred to Hokkaido.
Let me get a sample, and she transferred part to a petri dish.
My fifth-year junior school son has transferred into a school in Nagoya from Shizuoka.
Mr Jackson has recently transferred to Tokyo from Los Angeles.
Yes. She got an introduction from her old doctor and transferred.
but I think he transferred to Stanford.
The baby transferred its affection to its new mother.
She transferred the picture in the book to her notebook.
Therefore, we try to persuade people not to have cash, to have money electronically transferred.
A lot of transferred luggage got left behind at Heathrow.
7. overdue
This decision is long overdue.
She reminded him that the rent was overdue.
The management of the delinquency process invoked when a payment becomes overdue
overdue payment/train
... no- brainer, a long- overdue exercise— one that we...
I’m calling to inform you that your mobile phone bill is one week overdue
We have an overdue lesson. Pregnat is overdue
payment became overdue
Interest will be calculated from overdue payments.
Definition if something is overdue, it has not happened or been done by the expected time
Please return overdue books.
until full settlement of the overdue amounts.
Some opportunities are overdue.
The library books are overdue. The baby was a week overdue (=it was expected to be born a week ago). We welcome this announcement and think it's long overdue. Your homework is overdue.
This is a friendly reminder about an overdue invoice.
8. passed on
leaked= passed on to the public in spite of being secret