das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

przewaga nad konkurencją Englisch:

1. competitive edge competitive edge

to gain a competitive edge
The team seems to have lost its competitive edge recently (=its ability to compete well).

2. competitive advantage competitive advantage

If a start-up's competitive advantage doesn't appear to be sustainable e. g. because of the threat of new entrants, investors won't be interested.
Sometimes companies behave unethically in order to gain competitive advantage.

3. an edge on our competitors an edge on our competitors

4. competition advantage competition advantage

5. competitive advantage over competitive advantage over

6. an edge over the competition an edge over the competition

Englisch Wort "przewaga nad konkurencją"(an edge over the competition) tritt in Sätzen auf:

To remember - August 2024