She's very good at solving mathematical equations.
I know how to solve a simple equation with 2 incognites like: x+y=2x+4=2y.
If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.
I don't know how to prove this math equation.
I didn't factor those variables into the equation.
He can solve every mathematical equation
She wrote equation on the board
solving the navigation equations
It's stable because all the roots of this equation are negative.
The boy solved the simultaneous equation with ease.
This problem is an equality of k so we first solve the assigned equation for k.
Open the brackets in the equation.
Englisch Wort "równanie"(equation) tritt in Sätzen auf:
CHEMISTRY (1) Foundamental concepts of chemistryMatura Masters Intermediate unit 7nauka i technika - macmillan matura podstawowalekcja 11 BBC Why we gforget the things we learnThe right chemistry (part 1)2. formula
He had complete mastery over the necessary mathematics formula.
The chemical formula for water is H₂O.
A formula is very convenient, because you need not think about it.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity is the most famous formula in the world.
He refuses formula.
The optimal formula which would encompass all these factors has not been proposed.
The question of how to establish the optimal formula is still open.
First of all, learn the formula by heart.
What is the formula for the circumference of a circle?
The result of this experiment is obscured by the extra variables added in the formula.
They feed her a special polar bear formula.
There's no magic formula for success. What's the formula for converting pounds into kilos?
I can't remember one mathematical formula I learnt in school
Reexamination of the data is required to make the formula accurate.
Englisch Wort "równanie"(formula) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Pearson 12 nauka i technikaBank słów - nauka i technika 2/2SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DISCOVERYroz. Nauka i technika 4Unit 10 "Nauka i technika"