das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

rozdać coś Englisch:

1. hand out

My job is to stand on the pavement and hand out leaflets to people.
Can you hand out the test papers, please?

Englisch Wort "rozdać coś"(hand out) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Phrasal verbs exam
Pharsal Verbs Buisness
Verbs with prepositions

2. hand something out

Englisch Wort "rozdać coś"(hand something out) tritt in Sätzen auf:

What Motivates You?
Phrasal verbs (bec)

3. hand out something

Englisch Wort "rozdać coś"(hand out something) tritt in Sätzen auf:

modalne i skomplikowane słówka
Czerwiec 2024
Słówka ang-pol 1

4. pass something out

Englisch Wort "rozdać coś"(pass something out) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Moje słówka angielskie (27)
disck dzień 1

5. give away

I’m moving house in a few weeks, and I’ve decided to give away a lot of books and clothes to a charity shop.
Jim will probably give away his old furniture
I'd never give away my car to anyone.
Private describes someone who doesn't like to give away their personal information
Promise not to give away my secret.
But he had no right to give away information about anyone else.
You mustn’t give away the information
1. Don't give away this information to anybody. 2. I've given away all my toys.