das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

samo w sobie Englisch:

1. in itself

You've managed to complete the course - that in itself is an achievement. The granting of exclusive rights does not in itself involve state resources if the right is auctioned or if it is granted for free.
The training in itself was great. People wasn't demanding and open-minded, attentive

2. per se

1. He will likely be charged with the per se offense of driving while intoxicated, or an equivalent per se offense. 2. The mere threat of action does not per se constitute duress (=unlawful pressure).
He is not programmer per se.

Englisch Wort "samo w sobie"(per se) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Chołodowski Why future depends on libraries
Approach vol 2