das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

skazy Englisch:

1. blemished

Salmonella outbreaks blemished spinach importers' reputation for running clean factories.
Her beauty was blemished by the scar.

Englisch Wort "skazy"(blemished) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Fiszki z książki - "The English Lakes" (A. G. Brad...
Fiszki z książki - "The Boy Grew Older" (Heywood B...
Fiszki z książki - "Alcibiades II" (An Imitator of...
Fiszki z książki - "The Path of Dreams Poems" (Lei...
Fiszki z książki - "Etain the Beloved and Other Po...

2. flaws

Party leaders are grappling with flaws in the party system.
hackers = people who understand a lot about computers and use flaws in software to gain access to a computer file or network illegally
He who seeketh horse or wife without flaws, may forsake his work and bear in mind that bed and stable forever empty he will keep.

Englisch Wort "skazy"(flaws) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Nauka i Technika