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język polski - English

sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom Englisch:

1. measure up to one's expectations measure up to one's expectations

2. to live up to sb's expectation to live up to sb's expectation

3. to meet someone's expectations to meet someone's expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(to meet someone's expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1.4. Divorce

4. to meet one's expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(to meet one's expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

English Repetytorium

5. live up to someone's expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(live up to someone's expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

English Matters - Colin Firth's Second Fiddle

6. come up to sb's expectations

7. come up to

The play didn't come up to expectations.
The book didn't come up to my expectations all. The film was far better.
1. I feel that I will never come up to your expectations. 2. This apartment comes up to the standards. 3. This house will never come up to our old one. 4. This film didn't come up to the last one.
He failed to come up to his parents' expectations.
I finally come up to my boss and told him I quit!

8. live up to expectation

9. to come up to somebody expectations

10. live up to my expectations

11. to live up to one's expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(to live up to one's expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1A i 1B - ćwiczenia

12. live up to someone expectations

13. live up to somebody's expectations

14. to live up sb's expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(to live up sb's expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

UNIT 10 - 24.10.2023

15. live up to somebody expectations

Englisch Wort "sprostać czyimś oczekiwaniom"(live up to somebody expectations) tritt in Sätzen auf:

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