das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

stękać Englisch:

1. to moan

Englisch Wort "stękać"(to moan) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słówka 25.06-08.07

2. grunt

He pulled harder on the rope, grunting with the effort.
He grunted some more and promised to scold her when she got home
The pigs grunted when they smelled the food.
Grunt when lifting a heavy suitcase. OR When I asked him if he was annoyed with me, he just grunted.
More beer means more grunts.
Where's your bathroom? I've gotta grunt.
O.K. I'm a grunt. But at least I have a chance to accomplish something in my life this way.
Did you see that grunt on TV? A real caveman.
I grunted and groaned.
Eddie mostly grunted, never saying much.
He seldom slept, for one thing, and he had that peculiarly American ability to exhibit contempt for the working class while also resonating powerfully with it—in his case as a self-made grunt, a latter-day Pete Rose.

Englisch Wort "stękać"(grunt) tritt in Sätzen auf:

The Last Kingdom 1
medyczny cz.2

3. Groans

We could hear the groans of the injured man.

Englisch Wort "stękać"(Groans) tritt in Sätzen auf:

slowka na egzamin