pose a threat
Animals pose a threat to drivers
We must be very watchful of how the situation develops, as it is already dreadful but could get worse and pose a threat to stability in the region.
2. pose a danger
Englisch Wort "stwarzać zagrożenie"(pose a danger) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Słówka unit 2jakieś przydatne3. pose
It’s better to pose standing up than sitting down.
The photographer wanted Carla to pose for a photograph.
When you pose a question, you expect an answer.
It must have been something really big for him to strike a triumphant pose like that.
to pose a problem/risk/question
In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security.
If you're serious about solving the problem, then you cannot pose it as a Catch-22.
They look up at Big Ben; and then they pose to have their photo taken.
My twin brother was posing to be me. She always poses to be someone else.
Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier?
He adopted/assumed/struck (= moved into) an elegant pose.
pose danger
They will pose numerous technological challenges for the next 10 years
Whatever we decide with regard to Kosovo will pose problems in that region.
The most successful scientists are those who pose the right questions.
4. to jeopardize
“I want to be with you,” Kurt says softly. “And I won’t do anything to jeopardize this. I’m a careful person. I don’t act rashly and I really care about you. I won’t screw this up. I won’t.”
We are here because my client didn't want to jeopardize that love.
5. pose a risk
6. pose of danger
7. endanger
He would never do anything to endanger the children's lives.
The world's most endangered species of cat could have been saved from extinction thanks to a project in Spain.
The hospital is accused of endangering patients’ lives.
Polllution endangers animals.
Then our country was especially endangered, but not from outside.
Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby's life.
by flying while drunk the pilot endangered the lives of the passengers
My business rivals endanger my career.
In spite of those rules, the FAA has documented dozens of near misses from people who violate regulations, and any of those instances could have potentially caused serious damage to an airplane and endangered lived.
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
8. pose a risk to sb