das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

swędzieć Englisch:

1. itch

She had an itch to see her child.
Scented soaps tended to make her skin itch.
My back itches
My back is beginning to itch, can you scratch it for me?
She's scratching her leg because it's itching. / My ankles itch so much they're driving me insane. /2. Instantly the burning itch was gone.
I have an itch in my ear.
I have an itch right in the middle of my back and I can't reach it. Arrgghh!
She's scratching her leg because it's itching.
They are itching from insect bites.
My ankles itch so much they're driving me insane.
Instantly the burning itch was gone.
the pharmacist recommended an over-the-counter ointment which stopped the itchy rash
I itched all over
Woollen sweaters make my arms itch.
He's itching to get back to work.

Englisch Wort "swędzieć"(itch) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Functions of the Skin and its Disorders
Angielski słówka kol 1 i 2 medycyna
angielski- 3 cechy charakteru, ciało, reakcje ciała
health problems, symptoms and treatment cz.3
Wyrażenia powiązane ze zdrowiem - matura z angiels...

2. to be itchy