rampant inflation
Crime has become rampant on Mr Humala’s watch, unimpeded by a corrupt police force and by seven interior ministers in five years.
The inflation and crime are both rampant.
weed that's rampant in this area <the mayor promised to put a stop to the rampant crime that plagued the city>
Ladies and gentlemen, here is a one-minute rapid snapshot of the still rampant European racism.
His rampant behaviour is so annoying
I have a very low risk of heart disease, which is rampant in my family.
He fiercely criticised the rampant poverty of Victorian England
Fiscal austerity is considered to be an answer to the rampant inflation.
There are many latent gays among rampant homophobes.
Englisch Wort "szerzący się"(rampant) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Vocabulary 23Max Payne script