das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

tacka Englisch:

1. tray tray

The waitress dropped the tray.
Add more paper to the paper tray and continue printing.
She was carrying a tray of drinks.
I’ll put your breakfast on a tray so that you can eat it in bed.
He made his sister a nice pen tray.
She set the tray down on the table.
He carried food on a silver tray.
Do you have a tray so I can put fruit on it?
Do you want a tray with that?
On the tray are five objects - three of them are keys.
Irene Pepperberg holds a round tray in front of a parrot she has named Alex.
Set up paper cups in the cupcake baking tray.
Mr Yamaha filled the big tray in his living room with walnuts.

Englisch Wort "tacka"(tray) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Dominik session 6 2/09/2018
28.12.2019 (kuchnia)