das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

umówione spotkania Englisch:

1. appointments appointments

He is rarely, if ever, late for appointments.
Tom is rarely late for appointments.
Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.
I make it a rule never to be late for appointments.
I make a point of being in time for appointments.
He's always on time for his appointments.
She is precise in keeping appointments.
Be punctual for appointments, otherwise you'll lose face.
The art of getting appointments when telemarketting.
Do you have any previous appointments next Sunday?
Akiko is busy enough to forget her appointments.
The salesman learned to be punctual for appointments.
He often mistakes the time, and is late for his appointments.
Paul makes it a rule not to be late for his appointments.
He is punctual in keeping appointments.

Englisch Wort "umówione spotkania"(appointments) tritt in Sätzen auf:

język angielski zawodowy (unit 1 - 3)