das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

umieścić w Englisch:

1. put in put in

We're having a new sink unit put in...
She put in an hour's work on the project.
I have put in prices until the end of the year and I hope that is OK
If I were him I would put in everything now and go until something broke.
I've just had central heating/a new kitchen put in. I've put in an application to the college.

Englisch Wort "umieścić w"(put in) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Technical English 4 unit 3 (part 1)
Spekout Intermediate 2ND Unit 7 (All)
Orange is the new black, s01e01
People who made a difference/ Ludzie, którzy zmien...
market leader elementary 1-4