das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

uprawianie roli Englisch:

1. cultivating the soil

2. farming

Rice farming has been developed to a high degree in Japan.
organic farming
Has he got any experience of farming?
By no means do I dislike farming.
The ordinary people had their livelihood in farming rice.
Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'.

Englisch Wort "uprawianie roli"(farming) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Organic Food

3. cultivation

Supervised cultivation, collection and production.
There is no piety in the world which is not the result of cultivation, and which cannot be increased by the degree of care and attention bestowed upon it.
Organic cultivation is a method of growing plants (grains, vegetables, fruit, etc.) without using agricultural chemicals.

Englisch Wort "uprawianie roli"(cultivation) tritt in Sätzen auf:

The Future of Food Has Six Legs