das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

włamać się Englisch:

1. break into break into

Somebody break into their home last night and stolen valuable paitings
A thief might rejoice in a sunset because he can use the darkness to break into someone's house

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(break into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

uni6 6 - Mystery; New Matura Solutions
Marta, słówka 42, sprawdzian w szkole
be, break, bring, call, carry, come, cut, do, draw
I've got murder on my mind 🤟🏿
Phrasal verbs z break, put and take z ksiażki FCE ...

2. burgle burgle

The thieves waited until the landlords went for holiday and burgled their house then.
our house in London has been burgled
We’ve been burgled three times.

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(burgle) tritt in Sätzen auf:

ANG POWTÓRKI MATURALNE państwo i społeczeństwo
Fiszki z klasy 8 (od przestępstw)
Crime and criminals (Unit 8)
unit 7 Crime and Punishment

3. break in break in

I have forgotten my keys. Should I break in?
(often no object; with an object, break into-- inseparable): enter by using force (and breaking a lock, window, etc.); "Somebody broke into Jane's apartment while she was at the movies."
he tried to break in a house
He did not know who was trying to break in. How could any man break in here, and you not know? Someone broke into their apartment last night. The factory was broken into during the night and quite a lot of material was stolen.
Be quiet! You really shouldn’t break in when someone is speaking.
He did not know who was trying to break in.

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(break in) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Angielski słówka intermediate module 1 matura prim...
phrasal verbs - obowiązkowe z ang.pl + z CAE
phrasal verbs and preposition
Phrasal verbs - easy
Phrasal verbs part one

4. hack hack

I never thought it'd be this easy to hack into your website.
It won't hack a man's head off, but it can poke him full of holes if you're quick enough.
he hacked into our system
We had to hack our way through the jungle.
Can you get me a hack?
You've gotta a terrible hack. Better go and see a doctor.
Being a hack is not such a grat deal at all.
Every time we advertise that, we need a scenario for our series, a half of what we get is written by hacks.
I ain't gonna be your hack anymore. Not for this kinda money.

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(hack) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Mr. Robot Season 1 Episode 1 | 123movies
bringing up bous and girls/ computers and crime/te...
unit 8 caught in the net
BBC Learning English 3
angielski kartkówka

5. hack into

They hack into banks and transfer huge amounts of cash.

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(hack into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

10. Breaking the rules
Dział 2 słówka
Kolokwium 2 angieslki
internet 3.23

6. brake in

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(brake in) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Czasowniki zaawansowane

7. broke into

He broke into their conversation to ask something

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(broke into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

na poniedzialek

8. brake into

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(brake into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

słówka zbiór - ANG 03.08.18

9. break in into

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(break in into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

ostania lekcja 04

10. burglar

The burglar tied my hands behind my back with a rope.
The policeman arrested the burglar.
Tom continued reading the newspaper even though the burglar alarm had gone off.
A burglar made away with my wife's diamond ring.
A burglar broke into the convenience store last month, but I heard the police caught him yesterday.
I awoke to find a burglar in my room.
The burglar stole our TV.
Two policemen arrested a burglar. They caught him sneaking into Mrs. Miller's.
The burglar wore gloves, with the result that there were no finger-prints to be found.
Bill was killed by a burglar.
burglar noun [C] someone who robs a house, who gets into buildings illegally and steals things
How did the burglar get in?
Last night there was a burglar in our house. Fortunately, he must have got scared and ran away taking nothiung.
house burglary
As I entered the kitchen, a burglar was jumping out the window with my laptop computer.

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(burglar) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Crime and punishment
Słówka angielski

11. to break

to break walls

Englisch Wort "włamać się"(to break) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Controversial Debate Topic
słówka z angielskiego