das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

w chwili Englisch:

1. at a time

I can't serve you all at a time
at a time = at once.
if someone deals with things one, three, ten etc at a time, they deal with them separately or in groups of three, ten etc
Deal with each question separately, one at a time.

Englisch Wort "w chwili"(at a time) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Zębala - PRZYIMKI - prepositions

2. at the moment

I’m busy at the moment.
I`m doing my homework at the moment.
Betty is cooking at the moment.
There's too much going on at the moment.
I can't speak to you at the moment.
We are very sorry, but the book is not available at the moment. You could come back next week. Chances are we will have it.
I wonder what they are doing at the moment.
What are you reading at the moment?
I've got a lot of work at the moment.
She can't go to the cinema with us, because she is busy at the moment.

3. when

When do we arrive?
When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.
If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me.
It's a shame that I had to quit my job just when I was getting the hang of things.
It must be nice having someone who sticks around even when times get tough.
I never thought this rubber band would come in handy when I put it in my pocket this morning.
An animal can be much more dangerous when wounded.
When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.
You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.
My roommate is prodigal when it comes to spending money on movies; he buys them the day they're released, regardless of price.
Don't come to me now with that. You should have said something when it originally happened.
It was really considerate of you to lend me $500 when I was in difficulties.
He's a different person when he's drunk, so I don't like to drink with him.
We were sitting peacefully at dinner, when all of a sudden the lights went out.

4. after a while

Some of the stars signed a few autographs but after a while it became too dangerous for them.
It gets boring after a while

5. The moment

Please call me the moment the manager arrives.
she's not there at the moment

Englisch Wort "w chwili"(The moment) tritt in Sätzen auf:

wyrażenia czasowe

6. the minute that

7. on receipt on

Englisch Wort "w chwili"(on receipt on) tritt in Sätzen auf:


8. upon

upon arrival
The Court has no fears for the safety of the Christian religion. It does not believe that the rock upon which Christianity stands can ever be shaken.
Upon my honour, I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening; and there are several of them you see uncommonly pretty.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
The boy, upon seeing a butterfly, proceeded to run after it, provoking the anger of his mother, who had ordered him to stay quiet while she gossiped with the lady next door.
I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.
As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 3,000,000.99 BYR price tag.
The father of a father is a grandfather, a grandfather's father is a great-grandfather, a great-grandfather's father is a great-great-grandfather, but no word has been decided upon for the generations before great-great-grandfather.

9. the minute