das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

w czyimś imieniu Englisch:

1. on behalf of sb

Englisch Wort "w czyimś imieniu"(on behalf of sb) tritt in Sätzen auf:

British Council Dealing with complaints
C1 Environmental and social impact
UNIT 2.30 - E-mail Corespondence
Tomek 17th May 2016
czytanka z ćwiczeń

2. on one's behalf

Englisch Wort "w czyimś imieniu"(on one's behalf) tritt in Sätzen auf:

spr ze słówek dział 6
Anglik Unit 6

3. on behalf of

I am writing to you on behalf of my supervisor
Mr Kim, I am here on behalf of your sister.
I'm acting on behalf of Anna
on behalf of the Mayor.
I welcome you on behalf of the university.
He works on behalf of the client.
I'm calling on behalf of Mr Kowalski.
I'm writting on behalf of my brother
So I welcome this on behalf of the Commission and on behalf of the High Representative.
I'm writing this letter on behalf of my head of Department
Thank you for all that you've done on behalf of myself.
I’d like to say on behalf of the whole group that we wish you well in your new job.
I speak on behalf of all the teachers when I wish this year's students good luck.
I would like to apologise on behalf of my mother. Who gave you permission to speak on my behalf?
The employees manage the employing establishment on behalf of the employer.

Englisch Wort "w czyimś imieniu"(on behalf of) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Angielski - artykuł: słówka [4 semestr]
Language Practice - Grammar różne
Prepositions, EXPRESSIONS
Efficacy - lektura
Lektura 22.11.2019

4. on sb's behalf

Englisch Wort "w czyimś imieniu"(on sb's behalf) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Advanced English C.A. E, 1-3
ENGLISH from Russian book
Unit 4 Angielski
Idiomy Angielskie

5. on behalf of somebody

6. on somebody's behalf

Englisch Wort "w czyimś imieniu"(on somebody's behalf) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Talking about the news - Watching a news report on TV
Sierocka unit 1-3
Sierocka Unit 1-3

7. on someone's behalf