das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

w porze lunchu Englisch:

1. lunchtime lunchtime

It's nearly lunchtime. Why don't we stop to have a bite to eat?
At lunchtime today, our usual restaurant was closed because of a funeral in the family.
We should get to Chicago by lunchtime.
At lunchtime, she always reads a book.

Englisch Wort "w porze lunchu"(lunchtime) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Spekout Intermediate 2ND Unit2 (All)
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2. at lunchtime at lunchtime

We will have some free time at lunchtime.

Englisch Wort "w porze lunchu"(at lunchtime) tritt in Sätzen auf:

marta 12th April 2014
A118, 06.05.2016
Katia 28th Sept 2014
Time expressions

3. at lunch at lunch

Englisch Wort "w porze lunchu"(at lunch) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Lekcja 11 - Która jest godzina?
11. What's the time?