das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

wkłucie Englisch:

1. puncture

The puncture wound was very deep and had to be examined for infection.
We had a puncture on the motorway.
puncture repair kit
On the way home we had a puncture.
We had a puncture on the way and arrived late.
‘Can that thing get a puncture?’
I got a puncture
There is a puncture in the rubber glove

Englisch Wort "wkłucie"(puncture) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słówka z książek polski - angielski

2. injection

I had to make injections twice a day.
The court condemned the man to death by lethal injection.
You need an injection.
The doctor gave me an injection but it didn't hurt
I'll give you a painkilling injection.
I tremble with fear at the thought of an injection.
Anna was so scared of the injection she fainted.
We have lots of injection machines in our company. How many machines do you have in your company?
My sister is a nurse so I asked her to give me an injection.
then we can work out a time frame for when the injection took place.
It was quite painful when she gave me the injection
You can get an injection to protect you from flu.
I’d been to the dentist, and I’d had an injection.
The injection was repeated a week later.
All that's required is one injection and some electronic devices.

3. insert

Insert it wherever you like.
Please insert your card.
He inserted the floppy disk into the drive.
If you want to make a call insert a coin
It is inserted into the space next to the retina within the eye.
I was inserting, supplementing and correcting data in the IT program.
to insert an arm onto the sleeve
Insert the coin in the slot. / He inserted a new paragraph.
His hand shook slightly as he inserted the key into the lock.
My daily newspaper has too many useless inserts.
All documents have colourful inserts,
The researchers inserted a microchip transmitter in the animal's skin.
insert coins
No, by inserting a microchip under the skin of your hand!
I insert images using ClipArt.