das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

wyrażać swoją opinię Englisch:

1. voice their opinion voice their opinion

Englisch Wort "wyrażać swoją opinię"(voice their opinion) tritt in Sätzen auf:

"Using your vote"

2. speak your mind speak your mind

Here there's just the two of us, so speak your mind.

3. give one's opinion give one's opinion

4. to speak one's mind to speak one's mind

Englisch Wort "wyrażać swoją opinię"(to speak one's mind) tritt in Sätzen auf:


5. express an opinion express an opinion

6. State one's opinion

Englisch Wort "wyrażać swoją opinię"(State one's opinion) tritt in Sätzen auf:

liceum 2- tedtalk

7. speak out

Assert or promote one's opinion; to make one's thoughts known. E.g. You should learn to speak out in meetings with your boss.
I can't believe you speak out about this

8. make a point

Shhh, I'm trying to make a point!

Englisch Wort "wyrażać swoją opinię"(make a point) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Ang my perspectives 3

9. express your opinion

10. stating your opinion

11. to voice your opinion

12. To give your point of view