das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

wysiadać z auta Englisch:

1. get out off get out off

Englisch Wort "wysiadać z auta"(get out off) tritt in Sätzen auf:


2. get out of a car get out of a car

3. got out of got out of

4. leave a car leave a car

Englisch Wort "wysiadać z auta"(leave a car) tritt in Sätzen auf:

halinka unit 7

5. get out get out

She had to get out of the car to pay the parking charge. / 2. Get out of here, all of you, get out! / 3. Fischer, it's a trap, get out of there! / 4. Get out of the car now! / 5. Get outta here!
When you stop at the traffic lights, I'll get out.
get out your wallet, get out of the room
get out of my house