das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

z górnej półki Englisch:

1. upmarket upmarket

The company has decided to move some of its products upmarket.
upmarket products
This area of the city is full of upmarket shops and restaurants.
an upmarket fashion brand
I like upmarket restaurants, but they’re so expensive.
Apparently it is posh an comes from upmarket

Englisch Wort "z górnej półki"(upmarket) tritt in Sätzen auf:

English for business studies unit 9, 10
angielski na studiach 1
kolos z angola
Karktówka 2 słówka
Vocabulary Unit 1

2. top of the range top of the range

More than 80% of the world's top of the range motor cars come from Europe.
makes top of the range products

3. upscale upscale

He was used to staying in upscale hotels.
upscale goods
It is located right next to a local commuter rail on the outskirts of an upscale neighborhood.

Englisch Wort "z górnej półki"(upscale) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Kartkówka. Unit 7, 8, 9