1. with grace
Englisch Wort "z gracją"(with grace) tritt in Sätzen auf:
inclusiv design2. graceful
She is graceful.
The dancer's graceful action charmed the audience.
The ballerina’s movements were so graceful that at times it looked as if she was floating.
Even the most graceful and imposing existing buildings may now be so sadly diminished as to seem slightly ridiculous beside the monster.
I found her graceful.
Rarely have I met such a graceful dancer.
The delicate, graceful flowers are in bloom.
She is beautiful, and what is more, very graceful.
The spectators were moved by her graceful performance.
All her motions were graceful.
An ugly duckling became a graceful swan.
She is a wonderfully graceful dancer.
It's graceful way to get out form container
Jane is a ballerina, thanks to which her moves are very graceful.
I am descended from a graceful family.
Englisch Wort "z gracją"(graceful) tritt in Sätzen auf:
E Dla Średnio Zaawansowanych 1 B11501-2000 ang - pol3. gracefully
She bore herself gracefully.
She gracefully walks down the stairs. She found the way to gracefully leave the company.
She dances so gracefully that I really envy her.
He got up gracefully and went outside into the night
We must learn to meet adversity gracefully.
The Miss Universe contestant tripped on her gown but got up again gracefully and continued down the runway.
She uncovers the little plastic tortilla holder so gracefully. It's little things like that that are so cute about people.
Englisch Wort "z gracją"(gracefully) tritt in Sätzen auf:
Fast Track, 1-44. poetry in motion