das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

z przesiadką Englisch:

1. with a change

2. connecting flight

When I get to Frankfurt I need to get a connecting flight to Berlin.
five hours to wait for connecting flight
We have to wait in the airport lounge for our connecting flight.
By missing the first flight we of course missed the connecting flight to the USA.
What if he missed his connecting flight?
connecting flight
You have a connecting flight in Brussels. remember.

3. with the change

Englisch Wort "z przesiadką"(with the change) tritt in Sätzen auf:

podróżowanie busem i pociągiem

4. connecting train

Englisch Wort "z przesiadką"(connecting train) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Ride the Subway

5. with a connection in

6. with transit

7. connecting

I have a connecting flight on UA 111.
Can I get a connecting flight to Atlanta?
I-I have some trouble connecting with this generation.
Internet is a vast network connecting innumerable computers on a world scale.
Most important of all, the brain needs global reentry pathways connecting these anatomical structures.
No, you have to make a connecting flight in Chicago.

8. with layover