das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

zmieszać się Englisch:

1. to mix to mix

2. mix up mix up

You have to mix up these ingredients.

Englisch Wort "zmieszać się"(mix up) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Speak-Up, PreIntermediate 2

3. get confused

4. seep into

Englisch Wort "zmieszać się"(seep into) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Słówka 21-27.05

5. blend in

Security men were trying to blend in with the crowd.
It's hard for Vlad to blend in - he's just too big and looks too dangerous.

6. decline

An increase in customer complaints could signal a decline in business.
Trading was slow today after yesterday's market decline.
terminal decline
It is foreseen that, due to the decline in grain production, China will quickly become a world leading grain importing country, overtaking Japan.
Briefly stated, Hobsbawm's thesis is that the history of the twentieth century is that of the decline of civilization.
If we continue like this, it's as clear as day that the Japan of five years on will be in decline.
The choice is between a higher degree of integration, not just coordination, and decline.
The company reported a small decline in its profits. An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.
In 2009, I received a total of 2 392 such complaints, a 6% decline compared to 2008.
National crime stats decline, including the murder rate. Your payment method was declined
America's railroads declined because the automobile dominated American life
My employer at first declined my job application, but then found some good sides about me
The decline in energy self-sufficiency is a serious challenge for the EU.
In 2003, two major causes of death in Americans declined.
It's possible that we will have to face the economic decline next year. Our profits declined sharply due to unstable market.