das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

zważać na coś Englisch:

1. give heed to something

2. mind

Speak your mind.
His mind was filled with happy thoughts.
The thought flashed through her mind that she was going to die.
With a firm goal in mind, you will do well.
With the T.V. on, how can you keep your mind on your studies?
All during my trip I could not keep you out of my mind.
Obviously, Tom had a lot on his mind, but I had no choice but to ask him to spend some time helping us with our problems.
Bear in mind that, under such circumstances, we have no alternative but to find another buyer.
He turned the problem over in his mind for three days before he did anything about it.
Whether I'm sleeping or awake, this subject is always in my mind.
David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
I've had a lot on my mind recently and have had trouble falling asleep at night.
If we're going to play, make your mind up about the rules!
When the teacher is very strict, the students must mind their P's and Q's.
No one in their right mind would walk in those woods at night.

3. heed

Heed public opinion.
Take heed of her advice.
He doesn't heed any advice.
The mountaineers set off, paying no heed to the severe blizzard.
She didn't heed my warning.
Don't pay it any heed.
He didn't pay the slightest heed to that exam.
And I know you’ve heard this from other folks and I know Aneesh Chopra goes on about this all the time and I think it’s really important for people in this room to take heed.
If he keeps paying no heed, he will get into trouble.
She will have no heed of me, and my heart will break.
Dr Wilson is hardly heeding his own warnings.
If only they had heeded his warnings!
He didn’t heed my warning about having a scorpion as a pet.
The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/ warnings about lack of safety routines.
Pay heed to your food.

Englisch Wort "zważać na coś"(heed) tritt in Sätzen auf:

artykuł druga giant Eli Lilly

4. heeding

Englisch Wort "zważać na coś"(heeding) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Angielski smartphones