das Wörterbuch Russisch Minus Englisch

русский язык - English

бояться Englisch:

1. to be afraid to be afraid

You have nothing to be afraid of.

Englisch Wort "бояться"(to be afraid) tritt in Sätzen auf:

500 most important Russian verbs 126 - 150

2. afraid of afraid of

I’m afraid of spiders.
Harry is afraid of snakes.
Are you afraid of dogs?
Diana is afraid of mice
My brother is afraid of bats.
I'm afraid of a storm.
He's afraid of spiders.
I'm afraid of dogs.
Kids who are afraid of the dark.
Are there any things you are particularly afraid of?
I'm afraid of ghosts.
The cat is afraid of the dog

Englisch Wort "бояться"(afraid of) tritt in Sätzen auf:

5B Vocabulary p 64-65 на русском языке