das Wörterbuch Russisch Minus Englisch

русский язык - English

пожилой человек Englisch:

1. senior citizen senior citizen

e.g. The senior citizens went on an outing where they met other elderly people.
The senior citizens went on an outing where they met other elderly people.

Englisch Wort "пожилой человек"(senior citizen) tritt in Sätzen auf:

5 и 6 модуль

2. old man old man

The old man can say that he has lived a long time.
My old man got mad yesterday.
My old man is mad at me because I didn't wanna go all the way last night.

Englisch Wort "пожилой человек"(old man) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Ja i ty - opis wyglądu człowieka