das Wörterbuch vietnamesisch Minus Englisch

Tiếng Việt - English

Đảm nhận Englisch:

1. Undertake Undertake

Did he undertake the mission?
He had to undertake a job not connected with his studies.
Aldiss to undertake biggest sale in its history at stores in Fakenham and Norwich.
When, one day, computers undertake to translate literary works, it will be the end of literature as we know it.
The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament.
When the articles of incorporation are complete it is essential to go to the notary public's office to undertake certification of the articles drawn up.
The directors were reluctant to undertake so risky a venture.
Whatever we may undertake, diligence is important.
It’s not an exercise in an activity stream that I’d like to undertake of getting my ass-kicked every day, not getting paid enough, suffering through years of misery and maybe you all find a problem to solve.
Undertake means to start something or agree to do something. An example of to undertake is to sign a contract for a new job.
So in order to undertake such a project, we obviously need brains.
The proofreader has undertaken to make the corrections
Don’t undertake work for which you aren’t trained.
procedures to be undertaken
I am adamant that he undertake it.