What a pain!
He became bad-tempered, continually criticized his wife's cooking and complained of a pain in his stomach.
Tom is in a lot of pain, but he says that he can take it.
He didn't divulge the information, not even under pain of torture.
Without the risk of pain, there can be no happiness and joy.
A sadist likes inflicting pain; a masochist, receiving it.
Don't ruin my fun after all the pain that I put myself through.
Many years ago flying used to be glamorous. Now it's just a pain in the neck!
Human beings usually have two basic desires: to get away from pain and to arrive at pleasure.
Tomatoes are good for people who suffer stomach pain from excess stomach acid when their stomach is empty.
When you start taking medicine it begins working on symptoms, like pain, right away, but that doesn't mean that the ulcer heals right away.
Fish do not have the brain development that is necessary for the psychological experience of pain or any other type of awareness.
my little sister’s such a pain, always complaining about me
Is a short but glamorous career in sport worth all the pain from injuries?
This vandalism has caused much distress and pain to the families of those whose graves were destroyed.
to hurt
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Englisch Wort "đau"(to hurt) tritt in Sätzen auf:
500 động từ tiếng Anh 251 - 2753.
The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.
He was out of shape when he took a long hike with his sons, and he was stiff and sore the next day.
Mother applied the medicine to the sore on my knee.
When I got up today my throat felt a little sore.
sore throat
All the dust has made my eyes sore
My wrists were sore after lifting wieghts.
I bit the inside of my lip and got a canker sore.
My lips are sore from eating sunflower seeds
If you have open sores, do not start using Aldara cream until after the sores have healed.
his skin is extremely tender and sore to the touch
There was a small cut above her eye which was still sore.
Don't be sore. That was only a joke.
You woke up early the next morning. Tired and sore from the journey yesterday.
I feel the tension in my neck, where it gets sore and stiff.