das Wörterbuch chinesisch Minus Englisch

中文, 汉语, 漢語 - English

拉肚子 Englisch:

1. diarrhoea

he had an attack of diarrhoea
He got diarrhoea when he had food poisoning.
I had diarrhoea last night and had to go to the toilet six times.
He has diarrhoea.
I've got a diarrhoea. I keep going to the toilet.
It is essential to drink a lot of fluids when one has diarrhoea.
After drinking contaminated water it is very likely you will suffer from diarrhoea.

Englisch Wort "拉肚子"(diarrhoea) tritt in Sätzen auf:

UNIT 11-12 BOOK 2

andere Wörter beginnend mit "拉(die Empfänger)

拉链 Englisch