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Go towards or move in the direction of something
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head to / example head to the store
something that people like to collect. It can be valuable or special, like toys, coins, cardd
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The yellow part of an egg. It's often used in recipes for sauces, custards and baked goods.
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A Yolk
following a specific eating plan, often to lose weight, improve health, or for medical or personal reasons such as allergies or lifestyle choices.
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To be on a diet
to limit or control the amount of food, such as during times of war or crisis.
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Ration food
it is a task or piece of work that someone is given to do, usually as part of a job or a school project. For example, a teacher might give you an assignment to write a short essay or solve some math problems.
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work together with someone
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to team up with sb
it means to have something or someone all around you on every side. It describes a situation where you are enclosed or encircled by objects, people, or elements. "The house was surrounded by trees" "She felt surrounded by friends"
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to be surraunded
it means to guide or direct a person or group, to be in charge, or to show the way by going in front.
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to lead
what a person eat
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A person who studies and tells what to eat
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limiting the amount of food
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foods made from milk, like cheese, yogurt, and butter. It can also mean a place where milk is collected or processed
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to take on a task that is too diffucult to manage
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bite off more than you can chew
an additional benefit that makes a good thing better
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the icing on the cake
too many cooks spoil the broth
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too many people trying to do something can ruin it
to admit you were wrong and apologise
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eat humble pie
have your cake and eat it too
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to enjoy two desirable but contradictory things at the same time
whole or complete, with nothing missing. For example, "I ate the entire cake" means I ate all of it
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food that is high in sugar, fat, or salt but has little nutritional value. Examples include chips, candy, and soda. It tastes good but is usually not very healthy.
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junk food
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A person who can do magic
based on a book
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When a film or show is made from a story in a book.
The most important person in a story, book, or film.
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main charakter
specjalnie effects
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Images or sounds in films that look magical or amazing, but are made by computers.
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The words on the screen that show what people are saying in a film or TV show.
to overcome stress
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to fight stress
to o have influence on something
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to have an effect on something or someone
a citizen
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someone living in a specific place like a city or a country
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useless, not used, not wanted
to travel to another country
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to travel abroad
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lots of people in one area
to continue to exist or happen
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To persist

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