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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
a contrary command cancelling or reversing previous command
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vigorous or incisive in expression or style; OPP- vague
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intelligently analytical and clear thinking, trenchant
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
conceal or disguise one’s true feelings or beliefs
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exiguous- very small in amount
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tearful or given to weeping
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Lernen beginnen
denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllicaly happy and peaceful
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1) a representation of a person (specially in the form of a sculpture) 2) a bad imitation
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Lernen beginnen
stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action he was obdurate on his point
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until now or until the point in time under discussion; previously, formerly
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indurate (harden); 2) stagnate, cease developing, become inflexible/rigid ossified political institutions
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
agree to give up or do without, RENOUNCE, abjure
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he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive
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sceptic, a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god
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faultless, beyond criticism
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Lernen beginnen
cause to loose enthusiasm and initiative OPP- excite
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obtain (information) from various sources the information is gleaned from press cuttings
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erase (a mark) from surface
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careless, lackadaisical (carelessly lazy)
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beneficial, producing good effects
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instigate or stir up, incite
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dangerously high or steep the track skirted a precipitous drop
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a pithy observation which contains a general truth
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1) ever-changing, 2) versatile
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anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment; RESENTMENT
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clumsy; having or showing no skill
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diminish gradually in size, amount or strength
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unsettle; disturb the composure of; nonplus, discomfit
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signal, indicate, announce; be a sign that something is about to happen the speech heralded a change in policy
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not previously annouced, expected or acclaimed he was unwilling to make an unheralded enterance
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Lernen beginnen
quirk, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behaviour
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Lernen beginnen
bland, insipid, uninspiring, uninteresting