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openly disregard a rule or law the advertising code is being flouted
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agreement, approval OPP- dissent there were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowds
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admit or agree that something is true after first denying it i had to concede that i had overreacted
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the authors concurred with the majority
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become more mild, compassionate, forgiving or amenable he was eventually forced to relent after public demonstrations
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after a long seige the town was forced to yield
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incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
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beyond criticism, faultless his private life was irreproachable
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integrity; honesty and decency Antonym- untrustworthiness financial probity; the defence attorney questioned the probity if the witness
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morally correct behaviour or thinking; righteousness; virtue Mattie is a model of rectitude
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shapeless, unclear, vague
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confusion beclouds the issue
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indistinct, unclear, vague
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claim, pretend. gist, essence she is not the person she purports to be what is the main purport of your letter?
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he was asked to make a precis of the report and submit it the next morning
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a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone’s character; weakness, shortcoming, flaw they have tolerated eachothers foibles for years
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show one’s resentment or anger; curb, restraint she bridled at his tone. 5 horses, saddled and bridled
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the VC was forced to take the reins of the office
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he was trying to extricate himself from official duties
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degeneration, decline or decrease TV viewing may lead to atrophy of children’s imaginations
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the drug attenuated the effects of the virus
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worn out, exhausted of vigor or energy the soft, effete society that marked the final years of the Roman empire
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trade unions are in an enfeebled state
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immature, inexperienced or underdeveloped the country’s fledgling democracy
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rudimentary, just begun and so not fully formed inchoate feelings of affection for a man whom she had thought of as a friend up till now
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just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential the nascent space industry
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just beginning to develop the project is still in it’s incipient stages
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Kuwait, an Arab country on the Persian Gulf, has cultural heritage dating back to antiquity
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excessive indulgence in sex, drugs or alcohol. Antonym- morality, clean living he later regretted the debauchery of his youth
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deterioration (especially of morality or culture) a decaying, decadent Britain
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the book would deprave and corrupt young children
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overindulging in sensual pleasures unfortunately, his heir was feckless and dissolute
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irresponsible, useless, worthless my feckless young brother
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lack of honesty and moral integrity his improbity resulted in him facing a termination from his workplace
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difficult to control or predict because of wilful or perverse behaviour; stubborn, obstinate
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showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable Kate’s perverse decision not to cooperate held good
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extremely idealistic, unrealistic and impractical a vast and perhaps quixotic project
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Blind faith is an anathema to science
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threatening harm, menacing. harmful my mother shot a baleful glance at me. we are aware of the baleful effects of water pollution
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a cause of great distress or annoyance Whatsapp’s blue tick feature is the bane of my life
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something that harms or destroys his career has been blighted by injuries her remorse could be a blight on that happiness
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having a harmful effect, specially in a gradual or subtle way the pernicious influences of mass media
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an example used to justify later similar occurrences; model, exemplar there are several precedents for using interactive media in training
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a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another; herald, sign, indicator witch hazels are the harbingers of spring
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harbinger, sign, indicator
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predecessor; precursor, antecedent. Antonym- descendant
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a temporary prohibition of an activity; ban, EMBARGO a moratorium on the use of drift nets
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respite, interval, hiatus, interlude for 2 days there had been a lull in the fighting
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a state of temporary disuse or suspension matters are held in abeyance pending further enquiries
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sorrowful, regretful, apologetic
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expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse, remorseful
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remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful
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an expert judge in matters of taste
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treachery, untrustworthy, deceitful it was an example of his perfidy
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shake hands and swear fealty
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compensate someone for harm or loss, reimburse the tenant is legally required to indemnify the landlord for any damage caused to the property
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make amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing; atone for their sins must be expiated by sacrifice
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he was ordered to pay $$$ in restitution
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amends, restitution, redress make financial reparation to the victim
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the question is how to redress the consequences of racist land policies
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explain, elucidate, explicate he exponded to me his view on the subject at great length
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without guile or deception the artless sincerity of a young child
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believing things very easily the law will afford relief to the credulous people who have been duped
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devoid of guile, innocent and without deception
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innocent and unsuspecting he eyed her with wide, ingenuous eyes
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using or containing too many words, tediously lengthy he found the writer too prolix and discursive
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using or expressed in more words than needed; LOQUACIOUS much academic language is obscure and verbose
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verbosity Lernen beginnen
excessively lengthy or technical speech or writing the basic idea here, beside all the verbiage, is simple
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reserved, withdrawn, not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily Anushka is exceedingly reticent about her personal affairs
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using very few words, succinct, monosyllabic
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pompous, bombastic, pretentious; intended to impress
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radiant, shining brightly
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sparkling or shining brightly
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temperate, abstinent, indulging only very moderately in something we had only one bottle of vodka! “thats very abstemious of you”
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he modestly forbears to include his own work
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to recapitulate briefly, the 3 main...
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a reuse of old ideas or material without significant change or improvement he has a reputation for rehashing songs from the 60’s
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she was religious but not a prig
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making a show of being morally superior to other people; self-righteous what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?
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a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity none but a prude could find it objectionable
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modest, not pretentious or arrogant
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this vainglorious boast of personal infallibility
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walk or behave in a very confident and arrogant or self important way; strut she swaggered down the corridor
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behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others; haughty, conceited
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haughtiness, vanity, excessive pride or self-confidence his failure was brought only by hubris
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the quality or appearance of being arrogantly superior and disdainful
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self-centered, egocentric he’s selfish, egotistical, and arrogant
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a person who boasts about their achievements or possessions
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showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is appealing or amusing
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insolent or impertinent behaviour had the effrontery to challenge his decision
Gal Gadot had the gall Lernen beginnen
then they had the gall to complain about the head of the school
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no one had the temerity to question her
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brazen, failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate
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characterized by or displaying great generosity
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we were remiss in not sending thank-you notes for our wedding