01 - 07.07.2024 słownictwo

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strike a deal
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meaks an official arrangment (The club have ________ to keep the footballer for 6 more months.)
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releases of a large amount of digital information or data. (It was a complete series________. They put every episode online at once.)
twists and turns
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dramatic changes in direction;
fork out
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spend a lot reluctantly (I ........ a large part of my savings for my cat's medical bills this month.)
splash out
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spend a lot enthusiastically (After our wedding, we ....... on a safari in South Africa for our honeymoon.)
live on
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have a particular amount of money that you use to buy the essentials (Since retiring, my grandparents are able to ....... their state pensions.)
get by
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live with difficulty with the money you have (I ....... my salary, but I don't have enough to save up or treat myself to luxuries.)
save up
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accumulate your money by not spending it, usually for a purpose (My sister is ...... to buy a house.
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an adjective that means suitable or right. (It isn't ... to swear in a meeting at work.)
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as a verb means to take something and use it, often without permission. (The designer has been accused of ...... patterns created by a remote tribe.)
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waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings. "two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the ..."
battle against time
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rush to complete something (The surgeon raced to save the car crash survivor in a ...)
rocked by
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moved from one side to another or shaken emotionally (Boats were ... the huge storm as it hit the harbour.)
race against time
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a situation in which something must be done before a particular point in time. ("it was ... to reach shore before the dinghy sank")
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a smaller, secondary earthquake (The ...... following the main earthquake made rescue efforts more difficult.)
live out of suitcase
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to stay very briefly in several places, with only the belongings in your suitcase.
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tired by travel. synonyms: tired. depleted of strength or energy
red-eye flight
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a flight that departs late at night and arrives early in the morning the following day so that passengers can't get a proper night's sleep.
travel on a shoestring
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travel very cheaply. You do not spend money on costly hotels. You look for good deals
Torrential rain
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very heavy rain

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