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Effort/Determination I will, I’ll give it my best TRY and push through the challenges. Lernen beginnen
I know the project is tough, but we must ENDEAVOUR to meet the deadline. Attempt, Strive, Try I will, I’ll give it my best ENDEAVOUR and push through the challenges.
Self-Image/Character Traits She’s always looking at herself in the mirror. I think her PRIDE is getting out of hand. Lernen beginnen
She’s always looking at herself in the mirror. I think her VANITY is getting out of hand. Arrogance, Pride, Self-importance Yeah, it’s hard to talk to her when she’s so focused on her own reflection.
Determination/Persistence I know, but you’re being PERSISTENT! Keep pushing; you’ll get there. Lernen beginnen
I can’t believe how difficult this project is! I feel like I’m going in circles. Unyielding, Persistent I know, but you’re being RELENTLESS! Keep pushing; you’ll get there.
Quality/Performance The food is just SO-SO, I expected something better for the price. Lernen beginnen
The food is just MEDIOCRE, I expected something better for the price. Average, Unremarkable, So-so I’m sorry to hear that! Would you like us to replace it with something else?
Separation/Division I just received my LAYOFF package. It’s going to be hard to transition. Lernen beginnen
I just received my SEVERANCE package. It’s going to be hard to transition. Termination, layoff, dismissal I understand. We’ll support you.
Importance/Essentials It’s ESSENTIAL we complete this report by Friday. Lernen beginnen
It’s VITAL we complete this report by Friday. Essential Absolutely. The deadline is non-negotiable.
Independence I want to be more INDEPENDENCE and know where my food comes from! Lernen beginnen
Why are you growing your own vegetables now? Independence I want to be more SELF-SUFFICIENT and know where my food comes from!
Recognition/Acceptance I just wanted to RECOGNIZE your extra hours on this project. Lernen beginnen
I just wanted to ACKNOWLEDGE your extra hours on this project. Recognize, admit Thank you! I’m glad it’s appreciated.
Desire/Encouragement Thanks for PUSHING. I’ll think about it! Lernen beginnen
I really think you should apply for that job! Push, encourage Thanks for the URGE. I’ll think about it!
Openness/Weakness Opening up about my WEAKNESS wasn’t easy. Lernen beginnen
Opening up about my VULNERABILITY wasn’t easy. Weakness I get it. But sharing it can be a real strength too.
Honesty/Openness We appreciate your HONEST feedback about our process. Lernen beginnen
We appreciate your CANDID feedback about our process. Honest, straightforward Thank you! I believe honesty helps improve.
But you SUCCEED, didn’t you? You did great! Lernen beginnen
But you PREVAILED, didn’t you? You did great! I thought that exam was impossible!
Responsibility/Accountability EVERY EFFORT WAS MADE TO make sure the presentation went smoothly. Lernen beginnen
EVERYTHING WAS DONE TO make sure the presentation went smoothly. Every effort was made to Let’s hope the client is impressed.
Attitude/Behavior Oh, STOP BEING SO SELF-CENTERED. Not everything’s about you. Lernen beginnen
Oh, GET OVER YOURSELF. Not everything’s about you. Everyone’s talking about my last post!
Rationality/Reasoning APPROACH IT LOGICALLY. Is it a need or just a want? Lernen beginnen
LOOK IT WITH RATIONAL. Is it a need or just a want? I really want to buy a new car, but it is so pricey.
Emotional Responses Wow, I FEEL QUESTIONED INTENSELY here! Lernen beginnen
Tell me every detail about why you left your job. Feel questioned intensely Wow, I FEEL INTERROGATED here!
Well-being/Social Support The SUPPORT programs here make everything easier. Lernen beginnen
The WELFARE programs here make everything easier. Well-being, support It feels good knowing there’s support if needed.
Values/Support I will SUSTAIN the previous court’s decision. Lernen beginnen
I will UPHOLD the previous court’s decision. Maintain, support, sustain Thank you, Your Honor. We respect the ruling.
Uncertainty/Reluctance I’m not sure. I feel UNCERTAINTY. Everything looks so good! Lernen beginnen
Do you want to try the seafood pasta? Pauses, reluctance, uncertainty I’m not sure. I keep HESITANT. Everything looks so good!
Cause/Origin It ARISES FROM last year’s pop culture revival. Lernen beginnen
It STEMS FROM last year’s pop culture revival. Originates from, arises from Why is everyone wearing neon colors?
Conflict Resolution You’re right. Let’s EASE this before it gets worse. Lernen beginnen
You’re right. Let’s DEFUSE this before it gets worse. Ease, de-escalate Let’s take a breath and talk it out calmly
Change/Transformation Could you RESTATE that last part? Lernen beginnen
Could you RECAST that last part? Rephrase, restate Of course! I’ll explain differently.
Compromise/Negotiation Can you make COMPROMISES on delivery time? Lernen beginnen
Can you make CONCESSIONS on delivery time? Compromises, allowances We can work it out but clarify the details.
Awareness/Alertness Stay ALERTED. We’ve got rare artifacts. Lernen beginnen
Stay VIGILANT. We’ve got rare artifacts. Alert Got it, I’ll keep my eyes open.
Locations/Logistics We’re nearing your DROP LOCATION. Is this good? Lernen beginnen
We’re nearing your DROP-OFF point. Is this good? Designated drop locations
Kindness/Generosity Your KINDNESS will make a big difference—thank you! Lernen beginnen
I wanted to help kids in need. Kindness, generosity Your GOODWILL will make a big difference—thank you!
Awareness/Sensitivity You seem AWARE OF the rhythm. Lernen beginnen
You seem ATTUNED to the rhythm. In harmony, aware, sensitive I listen carefully and let the music guide me.
Affection/Comfort Can you HUG me before I sleep? Lernen beginnen
Can you CUDDLE with me before I sleep? Hug, snuggle Of course, let’s snuggle under the blanket.
Environment/Conditions A quiet room is HELPFUL to studying. Lernen beginnen
A quiet room is CONDUCIVE to studying. Helpful, favorable Got it, I’ll find a quieter place.
Communication/Conciseness Slides were good, but aim for CONCISENESS next time. Lernen beginnen
Slides were good, but aim for BREVITY next time. Conciseness Got it, I’ll keep them concise.
Risk/Behavior That CARELESSNESS could’ve hurt him! Lernen beginnen
Jake tried that jump without a helmet! Carelessness That RECKLESSNESS could’ve hurt him!
Deep-rooted/Established This old system is so FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. Lernen beginnen
This old system is so ENTRENCHED Firmly established, ingrained Small steps might loosen things up.
Mockery/Disrespect Hey, I’m owning it, even if you DERIDE me! Lernen beginnen
Hey, I’m owning it, even if you RIDICULE me! Mock, deride
Mental/Thinking Flashcards improve MENTAL skills. Lernen beginnen
Flashcards improve COGNITIVE skills. Mental, intellectual, thought-related So, it helps me think and remember better?
Change/Direction Hey, you just SWERVE INTO the wrong lane! Lernen beginnen
Hey, you just VEER INTO the wrong lane! Swerve into Oh no, I thought this was the exit!
Importance/Essentials Ensuring client satisfaction is ESSENTIAL—everything else comes after that. Lernen beginnen
Ensuring client satisfaction is PARAMOUNT—everything else comes after that. Essential, Supreme, Critical What’s our top priority for this quarter?
Cautious Communication Hmm, Friday sounds possible NOT DEFINITELY, but let's check with the team first. Lernen beginnen
I think we could aim for Friday, but I'm not entirely sure. What do you think? Speak cautiously, Carefully Hmm, Friday sounds possible TENTATIVELY, but let's check with the team first.
Influence/Persuasion Remember, review the key points again. It'll help PREPARE your mind for the talk. Lernen beginnen
Remember, review the key points again. It'll help PRIME your mind for the talk. Prepare, Condition, Get ready Got it! I'll go over the slides one more time.
Dishonesty/Deception That’s not true! I’m being honest, not INSINCERE Lernen beginnen
That’s not true! I’m being honest, not DISINGENUOUS I appreciate your input, but it feels like you're just saying that to avoid conflict.
Uncertainty/Reluctance Uh... I'll have the pasta, no wait—maybe the burger? Keeping PAUSE Lernen beginnen
Uh... I'll have the pasta, no wait—maybe the burger? Keeping HESITATION Uncertainty, Pause
Weaken/Reduce Can you WEAKEN this coffee? It’s too strong for me. Lernen beginnen
Can you DILUTE this coffee? It’s too strong for me. Weaken Sure, I’ll add some hot water for you.
Writing/Recording Can you NOTE the key points from the discussion? Lernen beginnen
Can you JOT DOWN the key points from the discussion? Write down, Note Sure, I’ll write them in my notebook.
Characteristics/Features What CHARACTERISTICS do you think make you a great team player? Lernen beginnen
What TRAITS do you think make you a great team player? Characteristics I’d say adaptability and strong communication skills.
Authority/Independence Does granting INDEPENDENCE mean they’ll govern themselves entirely? Lernen beginnen
Does granting SOVEREIGNTY mean they’ll govern themselves entirely? Independence Yes, they'll have full independence to make their own decisions.
Inequality/Imbalance Why is the workload distributed so UNEQUALLY? Lernen beginnen
Why is the workload distributed so DISPROPORTIONATELY? Excessively, Unequally I know, I'm swamped while others have barely anything to do!
Emotional/Behavioral LOST MY MIND! I already said it twice! Why isn’t anyone listening? Lernen beginnen
Sir, could you repeat your order, please? Losing temper SNAP out of it! I already said it twice! Why isn’t anyone listening?
Importance/Noticeability What’s IMPORTANCE of this data in our report? Lernen beginnen
What’s the SALIENCE of this data in our report? Importance, Prominence It shows the main trend clients are interested in.
Subordination/Position Yes, it was UNDERNEATH the doormat! Lernen beginnen
Yes, it was BENEATH the doormat! Underneath
Repetition/Sharing Can you RETELL your trip to Paris? Lernen beginnen
Can you RECOUNT your trip to Paris? Retell, Narrate Sure! It was incredible—let me tell you about the Eiffel Tower first!
Openness/Weakness It’s okay to show WEAKNESS. I’m here for you. Lernen beginnen
It’s okay to show VULNERABILITY. I’m here for you. Weakness I feel like I can’t handle this on my own
Hobbies/Leisure Activities What are your LEISURE ACTIVITIES these days? Lernen beginnen
What are your FAVORITE PASTIMES these days? Hobbies, Leisure activities I’ve been really into hiking and reading novels lately. What about you?
Compromise/Negotiation Alright, I can make some COMPROMISES and lower the price for you. Lernen beginnen
If I buy two of these, can you give me a discount? Compromises Alright, I can make some CONCESSIONS and lower the price for you.
Confusion/Perplexity I'm sorry, but your map is so detailed, it completely CONFUSE me! Lernen beginnen
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the museum? Confuse, Puzzle I'm sorry, but your map is so detailed, it completely BEWILDERS me!
Fame/Recognition Is this the museum that's so FAMOUS? Lernen beginnen
Is this the museum that's KNOWN FAR AND WIDE? Famous, Well-known Yes, it's famous for its ancient artifacts!
Sure, anything else on our list of TASKS? Lernen beginnen
Sure, anything else on our list of ERRANDS? Can you grab some milk while I pick up the bread?
Achievement/Success Hey, YOU VE COME THIS FAR IN LIFE; You can handle this too! Lernen beginnen
I'm so nervous about the interview! You've come this far in life Hey, YOU GOT THIS FAR IN LIFE; You can handle this too!
Fresh/Sharp It’s fresh out of the oven and the crust is perfectly CRUNCHY! Lernen beginnen
How’s the apple pie today? Fresh, Crunchy, Clear It’s fresh out of the oven and the crust is perfectly CRISP!
Gave every fibre of my being Effort/Commitment Coach, I GAVE MY ALL out there! Lernen beginnen
Coach, I GAVE EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING out there! Tried my hardest, gave my all And it showed—you led the team to victory!
Anxiety/Pre-game Nerves Just FEEL NERVOUSNESS BEFORE THE EVENT—I'll be fine once we kick off! Lernen beginnen
Just the PREGAME JITTERS—I'll be fine once we kick off! Nervousness before an event You okay? You’ve been pacing for ten minutes.
Strategy/Competition You ready for a game of SPEED CHESS? Lernen beginnen
You ready for a game of BLITZ? Speed chess Only if you can handle losing in under five minutes!
Negative/Extreme That new movie was COOL! The special effects were incredible! Lernen beginnen
That new movie was WICKED! The special effects were incredible! Awesome, Cool, Great I know, right? It was totally awesome!
Control/Choice Sure, no problem. DO AS YOU PLEASE! Lernen beginnen
I don’t want pickles on my burger, can you make that change? Do as you please, Suit yourself Sure, no problem. HAVE IT YOUR WAY!
Precaution/Proactive Taking vitamins regularly is a PROTECTIVE measure to keep your immune system strong. Lernen beginnen
Taking vitamins regularly is a PREVENTIVE measure to keep your immune system strong. Cautious, Protective I see, so it's better to be cautious now than regret it later.
Fantasy/Imagination You won’t believe this—I just saw an MAGIC CAR flying over the park! Lernen beginnen
You won’t believe this—I just saw an ENCHANTED CAR flying over the park! Magic car What? Are you sure it wasn’t just a drone or something?
Behavior/Play Come on, let's PLAY FAIR and take turns. Lernen beginnen
Come on, let's PLAY NICELY and take turns. Play well, Play fair Okay, I’ll follow the rules and be fair!
Optimism/Positivity I know it's tough being away from home, but the new city has its POSITIVE ASPECT. Lernen beginnen
I know it's tough being away from home, but the new city has its SILVER LININGS Positive aspect, Bright side You're right. I've already met some great people and the food here is amazing!
Humor/Sarcasm GO AHEAD AND LAUGH, but this thing actually works! Lernen beginnen
LAUGH IF YOU WILL, but this thing actually works! This is my potato-powered phone charger!
Fear/Spookiness This place is so SCARY! Do you hear that creaking sound? Lernen beginnen
This place is so SPOOKY! Do you hear that creaking sound? Scary Yeah, it’s giving me chills! Let’s stick together, okay?
Responsibility/Accountability I'm so sorry. IT WAS MY FAULT—I accidentally spilled my cup earlier. Lernen beginnen
I'm so sorry. IT WAS MY DOING—I accidentally spilled my cup earlier. It was my fault / I was responsible Hey, my book has coffee stains all over it
Achievement/Results Remember, SUCCESS ORIGINATES FROM consistent effort and practice. Lernen beginnen
Remember, SUCCESS STEMS FROM consistent effort and practice. Success originates from Got it! I'll stick to my study schedule every day.
Relief/Comfort I’ve been working non-stop all day. I need to EASE TENSION on my back. Lernen beginnen
I’ve been working non-stop all day. I need to REDUCE STRAIN on my back. Alleviate pressure, Ease tension You should try stretching or maybe use a chair with better support.
Carefulness/Attention to detail Be PRECISE when plating the dessert. Every detail counts. Lernen beginnen
Be METICULOUS when plating the dessert. Every detail counts. Thorough, Precise, Careful Got it, I'll make sure it’s flawless!
Ease We need to find ways to MINIMIZE EFFORT and make our workflow more efficient. Lernen beginnen
We need to find ways to REDUCE TOIL and make our workflow more efficient. Minimize effort I agree, cutting down unnecessary tasks will definitely save us time and energy.
Time & Occasions Hey, Sarah! IT'S BEEN SOME TIME since we last saw each other! Lernen beginnen
Hey, Sarah! IT HAS BEEN A WHILE since we last saw each other! It's been some time I know, James! How have you been?
Emotions & Expression I’m not sure... I have some UNWILLINGNESS about eating raw fish. Lernen beginnen
Why don’t you try the sushi? It’s amazing! Unwillingness I’m not sure... I have some RELUCTANCE about eating raw fish.
Judgment & Perception I CONSIDER your project idea very innovative. Lernen beginnen
I DEEM your project idea very innovative. Consider, Regard Thank you! I worked hard to make it unique.
Quantity & Availability Wow, look at the PLENTY_OF fresh fruits here! Lernen beginnen
Wow, look at the ABUNDANCE of fresh fruits here! Plenty, Wealth I know! It's like a paradise for fruit lovers.
Quantity & Availability We need to save water; there's a real SHORTAGE right now. Lernen beginnen
We need to save water; there's a real SCARCITY right now. Shortage You're right. Even a small shortage can cause big problems.
Communication & Speech You’ve been TALKING AIMLESSLY about random facts for an hour now. Lernen beginnen
You’ve been RAMBLING about random facts for an hour now. Talking aimlessly Hey, I’m just trying to keep us entertained while we hike!
Skills & Abilities Can you give an example of your FLEXIBILITY at work? Lernen beginnen
Can you give an example of your VERSATILITY at work? Adaptability, Flexibility Sure! I easily switch between designing graphics and managing social media campaigns.