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A Magic Spell Woven
Have you ever read a book that felt ENCHANTING?
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Have you ever read a book that felt like a MAGIC SPELL WOVEN?
A Sting in the Tail
The movie was great, but it had a UNPLEASANT end
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The movie was great, but it had a real STING IN THE TAIL AT THE END
The forest was ILLUMINATED, with flames spreading rapidly and consuming the trees.
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The forest was ABLAZE, with flames spreading rapidly and consuming the trees.
The ILLNESS kept him from enjoying his favorite activities.
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The AFFLICTION kept him from enjoying his favorite activities.
We need to revise our strategy 'COMPLETELY' to address the changing market conditions
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We need to revise our strategy 'ALTOGETHER' to address the changing market conditions
feel Antsy
I always feel RESTLESS before giving a presentation; my nerves start to get the best of me.
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I always FEEL ANTSY before giving a presentation; my nerves start to get the best of me.
Appear to Love
He SEEMS LIKING his new hobby, spending hours every day working on it with great enthusiasm.
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He APPEARS TO LOVE his new hobby, spending hours every day working on it with great enthusiasm.
As Potent As
This new painkiller has SAME EFFECTIVENESS the previous one, but with fewer side effects
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This new painkiller is *AS POTENT AS* the previous one, but with fewer side effects
Astounding Part
The increase in productivity was REMARKABLE; however, the reduction in costs was the most astounding part.
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Remarkable or astonishing element.
The increase in productivity was ASTOUNDING; however, the reduction in costs was the most astounding part.
Did you see that singer last night? Her voice was amazing, really PROVING her talent!
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Did you see that singer last night? Her voice was amazing, really ATTESTING to her talent!
Their plan to cut costs HAS OPPOSITE EFFECT, leading to more expenses in the long run.
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Their plan to cut costs BACKFIRED, leading to more expenses in the long run.
I’ve seen my cat taking PLEASURE in the sunlight on the windowsill; it looks so content and relaxed.
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I’ve seen my cat BASKING in the sunlight on the windowsill; it looks so content and relaxed.
Be in Some Hot Water
After missing the deadline, he found himself in TROUBLE
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After missing the deadline, he FOUND HIMSELF IN SOME HOT WATER with his boss.
Beamed at the Audience
She couldn’t help but SMILE AT THE AUDIENCE after her performance.
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She couldn’t help but BEAM AT THE AUDIENCE after her performance.
Career Will Crater
during economic downturns, I worry that my *CAREER WILL BE RUINED*, leading to job loss or stagnation in my profession.
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during economic downturns, I worry that my *CAREER WILL CRATER*, leading to job loss or stagnation in my profession.
Some WARNING POINTS to consider before signing the contract include the terms of termination, potential liabilities, and any hidden fees.
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Some CAVEATS to consider before signing the contract include the terms of termination, potential liabilities, and any hidden fees.
He presented his argument IN LOGICAL MANNER, with clear and logical points.
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He presented his argument COHERENTLY, with clear and logical points.
Common Ground
The two parties reached an agreement by MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING on key issues and focusing on shared interests.
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The two parties reached an agreement by finding COMMON GROUND on key issues and focusing on shared interests.
I provided SPECIFIC feedback, giving specific examples and actionable suggestions for improvement.
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I provided CONCRETE feedback, giving specific examples and actionable suggestions for improvement.

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