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get/ come to the point
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cut the chase
przejść do sedna
Was she ever going to get to the point?
pop it in there
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whack it in there
to make something such as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue for a long time
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to perpetuate
to perpetuate negative STEreotypes OF / ABOUT sth
Comics tend to perpetuate the myth that ‘boys don't cry’.
to cause trouble or difficulty for somebody
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to inconvenience sb
The general public has been GREATLY inconvenienced by this strike.
I hope that we haven't inconvenienced you.
He COCKED the rifle
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an took aim AT sth
His aim was poor and he missed the target.
He did really well.
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He smashed it.
to strangle sb
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to throttle sb
He throttled the guard with his bare hands.
to plead guilty
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to plead - pleaded BrE / pled AmE
empty / without any people
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The forest was now a desolate wasteland of charred tree stumps.
He tried to ... the fact that
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burnt and black
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The meat was slightly charred.
a long time in the future / a long distance away
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a (long) way off
It’s still quite a way off TO Glasgow. / Christmas is still a way off.
bad or unfair treatment
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to get a raw deal
He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.
Older workers often get a raw deal.
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The paintings were sold for ABSURDLY high prices.
to explain
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to account for sth / sb
He was unable to account for the error.
to be the explanation or cause of something
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to account for sth
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it
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to address sth (an issue)
In the long run it is far cheaper to address the needs of poor people than to ignore them.
to address a problem/concern/question

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