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set back
Her resignation set back the project.
Lernen beginnen
opóźnić, cofnąć (postęp)
shy away from
I’ve never shied away from hard work.
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unikać (czegoś), wzbraniać się przed
stem from
Most of her health problems stem from an accident she had when she was younger.
Lernen beginnen
wynikać z (czegoś), mieć źródło w
accumulate knowledge
As she progressed through her education, she continued to accumulate knowledge that would prepare her for a career.
Lernen beginnen
gromadzić wiedzę
boost energy
Eat this cereal bar to boost your energy.
Lernen beginnen
zwiększyć poziom energii
complicate matters
Don’t tell Michael about this. It’ll only complicate matters.
Lernen beginnen
komplikować sprawy
deepen understanding
Students explore new ideas as they deepen their understanding of the subject.
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pogłębiać zrozumienie
Wipe the leather with a damp cloth to clean it.
Lernen beginnen
Be careful! The wet wood is very slippery underfoot.
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pod stopami
All of a sudden, a car came hurtling round the corner.
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pędzić, mknąć
She refused to wear hand-me-downs.
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używana rzecz (często ubranie)
torrential (rain)
I woke to the sound of torrential rain.
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ulewny (deszcz)
a matter of course
They checked the rest of the house as a matter of course.
Lernen beginnen
część normalnego procesu
in any event
In any event, I was not in a position to undertake such a task.
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w każdym razie
in light of
The exorbitant prices are explainable in light of the facts.
Lernen beginnen
w świetle (czegoś)

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