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be a question of
Dance is a question of control and creative expression.
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chodzić o (coś), być kwestią czegoś
any minute (now)
It looks as though it might rain at any minute now.
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w każdej chwili
(put the) finishing touches (to)
He’s putting the finishing touches to his latest novel.
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nanieść ostatnie poprawki
there are times when
There are times when I think that I’ll never feel at home here.
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są chwile, kiedy
I suppose
I suppose you’re right.
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przypuszczam, że
having said that
This isn’t really a brilliant movie, but having said that, the kids should enjoy it.
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niemniej jednak
given the opportunity
Given the opportunity, I’d spend all day reading in bed.
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mając okazję
nutrition value
Sweets have very little nutrition value.
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wartość odżywcza
at other times
Sometimes I like to eat out, but at other times I just want to have dinner in front of the TV.
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innym razem
be lost for words
For once in her life, she was lost for words.
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zabraknąć słów
common ground
There is a great deal of common ground between management and trade unions on this issue.
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wspólna płaszczyzna
(come) out of your shell
I had hoped that university would bring him out of his shell.
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otworzyć się (na innych)
break the ice
Sam’s arrival broke the ice and people began to talk and laugh.
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przełamać lody
fall flat
All my attempts at jokes fell flat.
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nie wypalić (np. żart)
steer clear of
I steer clear of talking about politics
Lernen beginnen
trzymać się z daleka od

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