1.2 listening

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być intrygującym
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be intrigue to sth
have you ever been intrigue to define your personality type
Po prostu jestem ciekawa, żeby dowiedzieć się więcej o sobie
Lernen beginnen
I'm just simply curious to find out more about myself
podzielone na cztery części
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split into four parts
wolisz wyczuwać czy intuicyjnie informacje?
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do you prefer to sense or intuit information
osądzać i postrzegać
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judging and perceiving
gdy pytano ludzi o tego rodzaju pytania
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when asked people this sort of question
częściej rozmawiali o czymś
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they were more likely to talk about sth
nie chodzi o to, że lekceważą struktury, ale są trochę bardziej przewodnikiem
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it's not that they disregard is structures but they are a little bit more of a guide
zamiast tego dostanę to
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I will get that instead
ludzie uogólniający
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sweeping generalisers
people who make statements that are too general and do not consider all the facts
obsesję na punkcie szczegółów
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detail obsessed nitpickers
people who argue about small important things
obsesyjni planiści
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obsessive planners
people who worry excessively about plans
odkładają robotę na ostatnia chwile
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last-minute deadline junkies
people who needs doing the work until the last minute before it needs to be finished
naładuj baterie
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recharge your batteries
regain your energy strength
meble do skladania
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flat-pack furniture
furniture that you can buy in a warehouse which you unpacked and assemble yourself at home

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