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You should realise that your problems are insignificant in comparison.
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Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.
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The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologised.
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wprowadzający w błąd
She misplaced her keys so often that her secretary used to carry spare ones for her.
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zapodziać, zgubić
He should reconsider his decision to resign.
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ponownie rozważyć
The plan proposed reorganisation of the country into 10 provinces.
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We underestimated how long it would take to get there.
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nie docenić, zaniżyć ocenę
He is undoubtedly one of the best writers of his generation.
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be appreciative of
She was appreciative of Greg’s concern for her health.
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być wdzięcznym za
be attributed to
The accident was attributed to slippery road conditions.
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być przypisywanym do
be down to
It’s down to me to find a suitable person for the job.
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być czyimś obowiązkiem
be prone to
Some plants are very prone to disease.
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mieć skłonność do
fall back into
I was amazed at how easily I fell back into the old routine.
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powrócić do (np. nawyku)
forge ahead with
The organisers are forging ahead with a programme of public events.
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kontynuować, robić postępy
keep track of
My sister has had so many different jobs that it’s hard for me to keep track of what she’s doing.
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śledzić, kontrolować

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