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standard, punkt odniesienia (przy dokonywaniu porównań)
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a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things. Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world. Teachers give the benchmark tests to see whether students are grasping the new curriculum.
chwytać, ściskać, łapać, pojmować, rozumieć
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We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries. Rosie suddenly grasped my hand. I'm starting to grasp what you had in mind. Did you grasp my plan?
grabić, łupić, szabrować
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the activity of stealing from shops during a violent event: There were reports of widespread looting as hooligans stampeded through the city centre.
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to tie a boat so that it stays in the same place We moored further up the river. We moored the boat to a large tree root.
zmniejszyć skalę czegoś (zredukować coś)
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scale back
to reduce something in size, amount, or production: Sid will have to scale back his plans.
towar (produkty wystawione na sprzedaż w sklepie, na targowisku) | products that
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goods that are bought and sold: Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices. Japan exported $117 billion in merchandise to the US in 1999.
ostrzeżenie dostarczone z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem
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a warning that sth is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare. Give someone a heads-up. Is just to give you a heads-up that I will be arriving next week. We've given everybody a heads-up that we're not prepared to work.
gwałtownie wzrastać, natężać się, wznosić się, wystawać ponad resztę
o temperaturze, o hałasie, o akcjach, o cenach, inflacji), o balonie, poszybować do góry o piłce, wzlatywać, o ptaku, latać wysoko, o szybowcu, wznosić się (o wysokim budynku), wystawać ponad resztę (o drzewie, szczycie górskim)
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rising very quickly to a high level: soaring property prices The soaring price of natural gas. reaching a great height: The deep blue lakes, soaring peaks, are typical of Switzerland. he chose a conference room that overlooked soaring skyscrapers.

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