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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
jak często jesz następujące produkty Lernen beginnen
how often do you eat the following
jakie jest Twoje ulubione jedzenie Lernen beginnen
what is your favorite food
jakie jedzenie, jeśli w ogóle, jesz więcej niż powinieneś? Lernen beginnen
which food, if any, do you eat more of than you should
czy byłeś wcześniej na jakiejkolwiek diecie? jeśli tak, jakiego rodzaju? jaki był rezultat? Lernen beginnen
have you been on any kind of diet before? if so, which kind? what was the result?
Jak myślisz, dlaczego niektórzy ludzie jedzą więcej niż powinni? Lernen beginnen
why do you think some people eat more than they should
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Lernen beginnen
but this is entirely too misunderstood why we start eating excessive amounts
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Lernen beginnen
kultowe świątynie społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego Lernen beginnen
iconic temples of consumer society
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nie szczędzić wysiłku (i wydatków) Lernen beginnen
to spare no effort (and expense) to achieve something by working as hard as possible or spending as much money as it's necessary our restaurant spare no effort trying to satisfy us
to nie ma nic wspólnego z jedzeniem Lernen beginnen
it has nothing to do with food
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we eat too much because what we are really hungry for isn't available
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to pour a marinade over meat or fish, to be left in marinade
zmiękczyć, rozbic tluczkiem Lernen beginnen
to make meat easy to cut or chew (crash with the teeth) by beating it or preparing it in a particular way what kind of food can be tenderised?
Lernen beginnen
(of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collect or eaten what kind of food can be ripe
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to dropped a few pieces or drops of something over a surface what might you sprinkle on to food
Lernen beginnen
they are also other foods that are usually served with the main dish of a meal what kind of food comes with all the trimmings
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
having a lot of flavour what kind of food or drink might be described as full bodied
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a tool with a deep bowl-shaped end that is used to dig out and move a soft substance or powder what food might be served in a scoop?
Lernen beginnen
a friendly conversation usually with each people making fun of the other after lockdown was over, it was so much fun meeting my friends again and being able to have a bit of banter over a drink
Lernen beginnen
fashionable and stylish the new collection of dresses is so chic
Lernen beginnen
the act of being saved from an evil force or a negative futures situition he felt enormous guilt over the houses he had robbed as a boy, but found redemption in working to provide food for the homeless
oczyszczajacy, uwalniajacy zle emocje Lernen beginnen
releasing strong feelings of pain or anger we had a massive argument and I really screamed at him but it was quite cathartic and I think we're going to be a lot better together now
niewymuszony, swobodny, nieograniczony Lernen beginnen
not limited in any way following his divorce he felt entirely unconstrained by the demands of his wife or her parents and found a great degree to contentment
załapać, zrozumieć, ogarnąc Lernen beginnen
to recognize or begin to understand something my youngest still believe in Santa but my eldest Sarah is starting to latch on to the idea that it's really us giving her the present
Lernen beginnen
the ability to think in new ways to solve problem I had a student last year who demonstrated his ingenuity by solving the maths equation in a way that even I hadn't thought of before
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the act of ending a disagreement I haven't spoken to my sister in the years since the incident but I heard she's not been well so it's probably time for reconciliation
Lernen beginnen
lekko drwiace przekomarzanie się Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
posypane przejmującymi anegdotami Lernen beginnen
sprinkled with poignant anecdotes
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innymi słowy to nie jest jedzenie, którego pragniemy Lernen beginnen
in other words it's isn't food we crave
stracić orientację w terenie Lernen beginnen
namiar, położenie (np. wskazywane przez kompas) Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
nakłonić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś Lernen beginnen
mówimy tak dużo o jedzeniu, ale tak mało o tym, czego właściwie potrzebujemy Lernen beginnen
we speak so much of food but so little of what we properly need
Lernen beginnen
krótkoterminowa satysfakcja Lernen beginnen
możemy wytrzymać każde najgorsze, które może nadejść Lernen beginnen
we can withstand the every worst that may be coming our way
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Lernen beginnen
since then a vast quantity of human ingenuity has been devoted to enticing the palate
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
we use paper napkins at home
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Lernen beginnen
zakrecanych butelek wina nie trzeba otwierać korkociągiem Lernen beginnen
screw-top wine bottles don't have to be opened with a corkscrew
Lernen beginnen
mieliśmy trzy dania każdego wieczoru podczas naszych wakacji przystawkę i danie główne i deser? Lernen beginnen
we had three courses every night on our holiday a starter and main course and dessert
jakie jest twoje ulubione danie dnia Lernen beginnen
what's your favorite dish of the day
przepraszam, czy mógłbyś posprzątać ze stołu? Lernen beginnen
excuse me could you clear the table
te szklanki naleza do poprzednich klientów Lernen beginnen
this glasses are from the previous customers
mój mąż ma płatki śniadaniowe i dwie filiżanki kawy na śniadanie? Lernen beginnen
my husband has cereal and two cup of coffee for breakfast
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to jest straszne. zamierzam to zwrocic Lernen beginnen
its horrible. I'm going to send it back
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Lernen beginnen
in New York if you don't leave a tip in restaurant the waiters get angry
Zarezerwowałem stolik w mojej ulubionej restauracji Lernen beginnen
I've booked a table in my favorite restaurant
jest naprawdę późno, czy poprosimy o rachunek Lernen beginnen
it's really late shall we ask for the bill
Umieram z głodu, czy wszyscy jesteśmy gotowi zamówić nasze jedzenie? Lernen beginnen
I'm starving are we all ready to order our food
Lernen beginnen
dinner's nearly ready can you lay the table?
Lernen beginnen