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I did a really good job
Lernen beginnen
Ho fatto davvero un buon lavoro
you are right
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hai ragione
I have to solve the problem
Lernen beginnen
devo risolvere il problema
i found a solution
Lernen beginnen
ho trovato una soluzione
I try to speak well
Lernen beginnen
cerco di parlare bene
cerco di = i try
i am looking for something
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sto cercando qualcosa
cercare = szukać
pizza chef
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these items are very useful
Lernen beginnen
questi oggetti sono molto utili
I can imagine
Lernen beginnen
posso immaginare
the stars are above the earth
Lernen beginnen
le stelle sono sopra la terra
I put it in my pocket
in past tense
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l’ho messo in tasca
transparent lipstick
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rossetto trasparente
he brought me a brush
Lernen beginnen
mi ha portato una spazzola
I comb my hair with a comb
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mi pettino i capelli con un pettine
the Bolognese sauce
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il ragù alla bolognese
an ideal woman
Lernen beginnen
una donna ideale
a foreman is busy
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un caposquadra è occupato
this is the ideal place
Lernen beginnen
questo è il posto ideale
my apartment is modern
Lernen beginnen
il mio appartamento è moderno
obviously I was nervous
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ovviamente ero nervoso
my neighbor is helpful
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il mio vicino è d’aiuto
the protrusion of the bends
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la sporgenza delle curvette
the ends of the forks
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le estremità delle forcelle
the tools are needed
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gli strumenti sono necessari
the number of pieces
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il numero di pezzi
the electronic signature
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la firma elettronica
we check each piece
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controlliamo ogni pezzo
check every twenty pieces
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controlla ogni venti pezzi
visual inspection
kontrola wizualna
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il controllo visivo
or visuale
badly done
zle zrobiony/wykonany
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well done
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Saturday I clean at home
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sabato pulisco a casa
I like this country
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Mi piace questo paese
The evaporator without losses
bez strat
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L’evaporatore senza perdite
the nailer
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la chiodatrice
the stapler
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la graffettatrice
the automatic pallet wrapper
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l’avvolgitore automatico
l'avvolgipallet automatico
we form small assembly elements
Lernen beginnen
formiamo piccoli elementi di assemblaggio

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