2. Pomiary

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1. This tank has a capacity of 300 gallons. 2. The restaurant has a capacity of about 200.
noun - the largest amount or number that a container, building, etc can hold.
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pojemność, objętość
The reservoir holds 22 million cubic metres of water.
noun - a unit of measurement that shows something's volume (= length multiplied by width multiplied by height).
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3000 square feet of office space.
noun - the area of a square with sides that are a centimetre/metre/mile, etc long.
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metr, centymetr kwadratowy
1. Food has improved in quality and quantity thanks to modern farming methods. 2. They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.
noun - the amount or number of something.
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property / properties
The medicinal properties of wild plants.
noun - a quality of something.
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właściwość, właściwości
noun - in geometry, a flat surface.
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at an angle / angle
He wore his hat at an angle. / An angle of 90 degrees.
noun - not horizontal or vertical, but sloping. / a space between two lines or surfaces that meet at one point, which you measure in degrees.
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pod kątem
axis of symmetry
The globe rotates on its axis.
noun - an imaginary, central line around which an object turns.
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oś symetrii
grid line*
noun - a set of vertical and horizontal lines drawn on a map.
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linia siatki
mark out
The pitch was marked out with white lines.
verb - to mark the boundary of (eg a football pitch) by making lines etc.
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zaznaczać, wytyczać granice
The mountains mark the boundary between the two countries.
noun - a line that divides two areas or forms an edge around an area.
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Deviation from a norm.
noun - a difference to what is usual, expected, or accepted by most people.
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1. a 11-mile deflection of the river. 2. the deflection of the light beam.
noun - the action or process of deflecting or being deflecti
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ugięcie, odchylenie
1. Always give cyclists plenty of clearance. 2. You can drive the lorry under the bridge – there’s a clearance of half a metre.
noun - clear space allowed for a thing to move past or under another.
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prześwit, odstęp
1. precise details/instructions. 2. Their calendars were more precise than the one we use today.
adj - exact and accurate.
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