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1. He's incapable of controlling his temper. 2. She seems incapable of learning from her mistakes. adj - not able to do something or to feel a particular emotion. Lernen beginnen
1. The food was judged unfit for human consumption. 2. He has been ill and is quite unfit to travel. adj - not good enough; not in a suitable state. Lernen beginnen
Do you like the layout of the kitchen? noun - the way that something is arranged. Lernen beginnen
1. Treat minor ailments yourself. 2. Children often have minor ailments. noun - an illness, usually not serious or dangerous. Lernen beginnen
Construction of the new stadium is now under way. Lernen beginnen
1. They were ejected from their house for not paying the rent. 2. How do you eject the disc? 3. The pilot had to eject when his plane caught fire. verb - 1. to make someone leave a place, usually using force. 2. to come out of a machine when a button is pressed, or to make something do this. 3. to leave an aircraft in an emergency by causing one’s seat to be ejected. Lernen beginnen
1. You should notify the police if you are involved in a road accident. 2. The court notified her that her trial date had been postponed. verb - to officially tell someone about something. Lernen beginnen
1. The rope broke under the strain. 2. Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope? noun - 1. the fact of being pulled or stretched too tightly. 2. force exerted (to bring forcefully into use or action). Lernen beginnen
1. The two statements are not consistent. 2. The second statement is not consistent with the first. adj - (often with with) in agreement (with). Lernen beginnen
1. He smothered his victim by holding a pillow over her face. 2. I tried to smother my cough. / He threw sand on the fire to smother it. verb - 1. to kill someone by covering their face with something so that they cannot breathe. 2. to prevent something from happening. Lernen beginnen
Sand allows water to pass through well. adj - If a substance is permeable, it allows liquids or gases to go through it. Lernen beginnen
Gravel has a high permeability (= liquids easily pass through it). noun - the ability of a substance to allow gases or liquids to go through it. Lernen beginnen
1. She'll make a decision regardless of what we think. 2. She'll make a decision regardless of what we think. adv - 1. despite something. 2. not thinking or caring about costs, problems, dangers etc. Lernen beginnen
niezależnie od czegoś, bez względu na
The payments can be deferred for three months. verb - to arrange for something to happen at a later time. Lernen beginnen
be affiliated to/with sth a college affiliated to the University of London. verb - to be officially connected to, or a member of, a larger organization. Lernen beginnen
być stowarzyszony z czymś
1. a wing span of five metres. 2. The first span of the bridge is one hundred metres long. noun - 1. the length of something from one end to the other. 2. the length between the supports of a bridge or arch. Lernen beginnen
They extorted a confession from him by torture. verb - to obtain (from a person) by threats or violence. Lernen beginnen
1. A sales chart. 2. A chart showing how much do-it-yourself cost compated with retail. noun - a drawing that shows information in a simple way, often using lines and curves to show amounts. Lernen beginnen
noun - 1. the burden of responsibility. 2. I'd hate to be a burden to you when I'm older. / verb - Sorry to burden you with my problems. noun - something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about. / verb - to give someone something difficult or unpleasant to deal with or worry about. Lernen beginnen
1. They're resistant to change. 2. a water-resistant cover. / Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. adj - 1. not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas. 2. not harmed or affected by something. Lernen beginnen