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wipe off
Lernen beginnen
dotyczy konkretnych powierzchni np. stół, okno
You'd better wipe off cookie crumbs from the table before mom comes home.
stay out of
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trzymać się z daleka
We better stay out of the conference room until the meeting is over.
look up
Lernen beginnen
Can you look up this word in the dictionary
clean up
Lernen beginnen
sprzątać, dotyczy całych pomieszczeń.
We relly need to clean up this place
take in
Lernen beginnen
pogodzic się
accept sth
He needs some time to take in everything that is going on.
respective departament
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odpowiedni dział
we are heads of our respective departments
calling card
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karta telefoniczna
Let me give you my bussiness card
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wahaj się
Please don't hestitate to call if you ever need anything
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skrocenie slowa z apostrofem
np. I've instead of I have
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be attentive.
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absolutely necessaryor important
I think it's vital to have an excellent first impression.
two peas in a pod
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dwa groszki w strąku

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